Ribnica woodenware

Date of inscription: 
Ribnica woodenware. Photo: N. Židov, 2014

Ribnica woodenware is a craft connected with the making of useful wooden objects by hand and machine. It is a widespread activity around the muncipalities of Ribnica, Sodražica, Loški Potok, Dobrepolje, Velike Lašče,  Kočevje and Bloke.

The bearers of the element of the intangible cultural heritage are (13): 

1. Danica Benčina, 

2. Metod Jaklič, 

3. Jože Belaj (not active)

4. Rudolf Indihar (not active),

5. Andrej Mihelič, 

6. Anton Govže, 

7. Franc Vidervol, 

8. Ivan Ogrinc, 

9. Janko Marinč, 

10. Jožica Indihar, 

11. Jure Urbančič, 

12. Društvo za ohranjanje dediščine, 

13. Kmetija Tekavec, Vladimir Tekavec.