Making paper flowers
The making of paper flowers involves using different kinds of paper to skilfully produce items that perfectly imitate the natural appearance of flowers and plants; they are used on different occasions, most often in rites of passage rituals and during celebrations.
The bearers of the element of the intangible cultural heritage are (23):
1. Marija Rizman,
2. Marija Janžekovič,
3. Milena Zelenik,
4. Marica Lesjak,
5. Anita Matkovič,
6. Anica Jesih,
7. Društvo rokodelcev – Rokodelski center Moravče,
8. Društvo REVIVAS Škale,
9. Darinka Meznarič,
10. Martina Felicijan,
11. Anica Tomšič,
12. Zvonko Mikša,
13. Francka Murn,
14. Silva Jelenko,
15. Darinka Leva,
16. Simona Mulej Jovanovič,
17. Turistično društvo Krka - Skupina Pridne krške roke,
18. Marija Štimec,
19. Marija Šercer,
20. Anica Ožbolt,
21. Matejka Javornik,
22. Marija Križanič,
23. Kulturno društvo Vednocvet.