Concert: Hiram Salsano
As part of the Druga godba festival, the rising star of the Mediterranean, Hiram Salsano, invites you to a free concert.
With the elegance and edge characteristic of her home region of Cilento in Campania, Hiram Salsano voices traditional songs taken from memories long past, backed by instrumentals that decant the precious old essences into the future. Bucolica, her debut album, is the sound of the high peaks of the Apennines and the depths of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Lovers of contemporary European roots are more than happy to see Campania firmly back in the limelight ¬– which is to say, exactly where it belongs. A new star of the Mediterranean is on the rise.
Hiram Salsano, vocals, percussion; Catello Gargiulio, accordion, jaw harp, flute, vocals
Co-produced by Zavod Druga Godba Slovenian Ethnographic Museum and Kavarna SEM.
With the support of the Italian Cultural Institute in Ljubljana.
More about the festival Druga godba: