Etnolog 5 (1995)
Comparative survey of the function and typology of midwinter and carnival masks.
The article presents a comprehensive survey of the life and work of Dr.
In 1957 Niko Kuret founded the Ethnographic Film Board with the Slovene Ethnographic Society as i
The article "A Come-back of the Shepherds?" is an unusual epilogue to the author's book (publishe
The article "The Fairs of Podsreda" is the result of the author's participation in the summer res
The reconstruction of Kebelj Tower is based on material remnants and written sources.
The author confronts the theoretical definition of residential culture, adapted to the specific e
The author presents a critical review of past interpretations of customs involving water as part
In the thirties anthropological science radically retreated from its naturalistic and metaphysica
Every cultural novelty, which interrupts dominant (folk) cultural patterns, produces a public res
Pisec se v članku ukvarja z vlogo ekomuzejev v splošni zgodovini muzejev, z nastankom in razvojem
An inventory and selection of objects was made in the farmhouse in Zgomja Radovna no.
The article presents valuable and interesting information on magic(al practices) in the southem p