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Slovenski etnografski muzej

386 (0) 1 300 87 50 GSM: 386 (0) 31 728 955


V Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju organiziramo delavnice za otroke in odrasle z najrazličnejših področij, ki jih naš muzej pokriva. V naših ateljejih se tako lahko naučite osnovnih tehnik tkanja in lončarstva, pripravljamo pa tudi veliko drugih, tematsko zelo različnih delavnic.


Glasbena delavnica s Hiram Salsano: Tarantella Escape – Songs and Dances of Southern Italy
Cordially invited to the music workshop (no admission) with the new star of the Mediterranean,...
Administration building
Friday, 24. May 2024 - 16:00
Gregorčki. Kropa, 1944. Foto: Boris Orel
According to the old calendar, spring began on March 12, on the day of St. Gregory. On the eve,...
Exhibition building
Saturday, 9. March 2024 - 11:00
workshop with Jos Galdermans from Netherlands
Welcome to meditative circle dances on beautiful music for everyone, no experience or dance skills...
Tuesday, 17. October 2017 - 17:00
workshop with Jos Galdermans from Netherlands
Welcome to meditative circle dances on beautiful music for everyone, no experience or dance skills...
Monday, 16. October 2017 - 17:00
The combination of spirituality and dance is timeless. In all cultures and through all the ages...
Thursday, 10. November 2016 - 17:00
Lecture & Workshop
The combination of spirituality and dance is timeless. In all cultures and through all the ages...
Wednesday, 9. November 2016 - 17:00